Advanced Non-Surgical Treatment for Pain Relief

Effective | Non-Surgical | Pain-Free | Drug-Free

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Why Choose Sound Pain Solutions?

The Sound Pain Solutions network is a collaboration of offices providing patients throughout the Puget Sound region with nonsurgical and drug free treatment options for pain relief. Our clinics offer a combination of safe and effective treatments such as; non-surgical decompression, non-invasive high dose laser, chiropractic care, manual therapy and physical rehabilitation. All treatment is provided under the direction of chiropractic physicians, naturopathic physicians or nurse practitioners. To find out if you are candidate for our safe, effective treatments, call and arrange a complementary consultation today.

  • Effective

  • Non-Surgical

  • Pain-Free

  • Drug-Free

  • HSA/FSA Eligible

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Non-Surgical & Drug-Free Treatment Options

Bioelectrical Therapy

Our bio-electrical therapy restores the function of nerves by pulsing electrical signals through the area of impaired function. The result is increased cellular repair, reduction of pain and inflammation, increased circulation, and restoration of function.

Class IV Non-Invasive Laser

Class IV laser therapy uses specific wavelengths of light to create therapeutic effects. The light helps stimulate certain processes within the body that help provide relief to symptoms including pain, swelling, and limited range of motion.

Physical Rehabilitation Therapy

To help patients get lasting results, we offer instruction in self care procedures. We train patients how to release tight muscles, stretch, contracted connective tissue, and restore strength to weak muscles. Self-care procedures empower patients to maintain improvement of function and reduction of pain.

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression works by gently stretching the spine, using an advanced piece of equipment. This takes pressure off the spinal discs. As a result, bulging or herniated disks may retract, taking pressure off nerves and other structures in your spine to promote movement of oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids into the discs so they can heal.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic adjustments are used to restore motion, reduce pain, and normalize nerve function. In addition to traditional manual adjustments we offer “non-force“ instrument adjustments that are pain-free.

Manual Therapy

Skilled manual therapy is used to restore balance to muscles that support joints. This can normalize, movement patterns and restore stability that in turn results in improve function and reduce pain.


“Because of this treatment I can walk again and climb stairs and I don’t need a walker or a wheelchair anymore!”

The walker is now collecting dust in the garage. I have been hiking and fishing and doing all of the things that I love. When I first came to Dr. Leone’s office I was feeling sad and complaining about everything because I was stuck in a wheelchair and now I have my life back all thanks to Dr. Leone!

“Spinal decompression ‘gave me my life back’.”

I suffered from lower back pain, upper thoracic pain in my ribs, weak legs and low flexibility for 2-3 years. On a scale from 1-10 I suffered a pain level of 9! For pain management I was taking 1600mg of Ibuprofen for pain management. I saw great results from a friend who was a patient of Dr. Leone’s so I decided to try decompression therapy.

My first impression of the office staff was that they were very kind and inviting. They made me feel I was the only patient in the office. Dr. Leone recommended 12 weeks of spinal decompression therapy along with manual adjustments. Within 2 weeks of the treatment I experienced a drastic change in my quality of life. Spinal decompression “gave me my life back”. I would definitely recommend spinal decompression to others and I wish more people knew about this therapy. I have told many others!

Thank you so much again for helping me!

“I am so thankful for non-surgical spinal decompression.”

My lifestyle eventually caused me to have severe and debilitating sciatic nerve pain in my left leg and foot. Anybody who has had sciatic nerve pain knows the pain I am talking about. Prior to coming to Dr. Richard Leone’s clinic, I spent 10 months trying to get rid of my sciatic nerve pain without any success whatsoever. I literally could not walk 100 feet without pain. I tried practically every treatment available for lower back pain and sciatica. Nothing worked. Not acupuncture, chiropractic adjustment, physical therapy, yoga or zen therapy. My healthcare providers would eventually give up, saying I had “spinal stenosis” and not much could be done to help me…

My research led me to non-surgical spinal decompression as an alternate procedure to combat spinal stenosis and sciatic nerve pain. I asked some friends who are local chiropractors for the name of the best in town for non-surgical spinal decompression. They all replied, “Dr. Richard Leone.” The non-surgical procedures used by Dr. Leone are not painful, nor do they produce discomfort. After about 12 visits (3 per week for 4 weeks) my pain was significantly reduced. After 25 visits I found that I was almost free of sciatic nerve pain. I noticed improvement in the amount of walking and standing I could do before my nerve pain would remind me to take it easy…

I am so thankful for non-surgical spinal decompression. The treatment I received from Dr. Leone and his excellent staff – it sure beats my other choice of rods and screws in my back. I found the office staff and technicians to be professional yet friendly. The staff was so nice that I was a little sad that I would not be seeing them every week when I completed my treatments. I am telling as many people as possible… Non-surgical spinal decompression is a much better treatment than having lower back surgery!

“I was in intense pain due to sciatica. Back pain. I was in a lot of pain…”

I would have [had] to have surgery. I didn’t want anyone touching my back and I had not heard very good results from people that had surgery on their backs. I could hardly walk; I would limp with my right leg because of the sciatica, and then actually it changed to my left leg…

What I like about this office is they do decompression… You have a certain amount of pressure on your spine, which you can hardly feel. It’s only 17 minutes [or so], and when I get up I go shopping. You don’t have to do anything different with your day. I like the fact that they do laser as well – even though you can’t feel it, it is circulating blood. And they’ve been really super. [It’s a] very, very nice environment here. Very friendly, very upbeat, very encouraging!

In the past when I’ve had to [travel overseas], any kind of sitting in any kind of plane or car is just excruciating if you’re in pain. This time I’m looking forward to being able to watch the movies and being in comfort and sleep. So I think that you will find that it just does nothing but encourage your quality of life. I’m so thrilled! I’m so grateful to God, and thankful to the personnel here, and Dr. Leone for the good treatment and health.

“Relief for disc herniation, scoliosis and degenerative arthritis.”

I have suffered from degenerative arthritis in my lumbar spine for nearly twenty years, plus I have scoliosis and a herniated disc. Four years ago I met with a neurosurgeon who advised that I have surgery. The surgery was scheduled, however after further investigation I decided against it and resigned myself to live with the pain. Then a year ago the clenching pain became so intense it radiated from my hip down my leg to my toes. I found it difficult to work, sit, sleep or drive. One of my friends recommended Dr. Shelley; she told me her husband had tremendous success at Sound Pain Solutions.

My progress was slow at first, but now I’m hugely improved! Now that I’m no longer focused on my pain my quality of life has improved greatly. I can do housework. Since I’m not tired out from pain I actually want to go out with friends. I’m back to walking, I was even able to complete a five mile hike last summer! I can sit without squirming in my chair which allows me to focus more on my clients. I also learned how to work smarter using better body mechanics.

“Success after 3 surgeries & 30 years of narcotics!”

In 1997 I had a back injury at work and for the next 10 years I was able to work as long as I didn’t do too much, took my medications and injections, and had three back surgeries. Because I had a lot of scar tissue from the surgeries, they said there wasn’t anything more they could do. I was living with constant pain and serious depression. I contemplated ending it all many times. I couldn’t even start a lawnmower. I wasn’t able to sit or walk even for short distances. I was surviving on heavy narcotics and muscle relaxers. My wife was very concerned. She said I would have mood swings; sometimes I would be nice other times I would be mean. I was willing to try anything to relieve the pain.

Dr. Shelley said he thought he could help me. I received many different therapies including spinal decompression, adjustments, laser, traction and physical rehabilitation. The treatments changed my life! I lived with pain for 30 years and now I’m off all pain medication and muscle relaxers. I still have occasional pain, but it’s nothing like the debilitating pain that I lived with for years. I’m able to walk my dog, play with my grandchildren, enjoy time with my wife and work on my 65 Corvette.

“I’m walking without a walker, without a cane. I feel 100% better.”

I want to tell you where I was before I came to the therapy here at Sound Pain Solutions. I was hurting, I wasn’t walking, I had a walker but that was about it and then I went to a cane but still struggled along and felt miserable. When we got here, I heard about Dr. Polzin but to tell you the truth I was very skeptical. I’m not one that just takes people for granted and I wanted to hear what they could do and what they can say and I was impressed and even my husband was impressed and that’s saying something.

And I started. It wasn’t difficult and it didn’t hurt and that was something wonderful for me. I’ll tell you right now I’m walking without a walker, without a cane and I feel 100 percent better and at my age 88, going on another month 89 and I don’t feel that and I don’t think I look that. So there you are, it’s really hard to add to that, the change in a relatively short time, just a couple of months, its remarkable, I’m back driving, walking, driving the vacuum cleaner all around the house and I haven’t been able to do that in a long time, so I am really a fan of this therapy that’s dished out here at Sound Pain Solutions.

“Jack was told nothing could be done…”

For the past couple of years I have had numbness in my feet and legs, plus tingling in my hands that was progressively getting worse. The worst symptom was when my entire feet were numb. It felt like my socks were bunched up under me. I saw a Neurologist who told me that my symptoms would only get worse and that nothing could be done beyond medication. The medication had too many side effects so I decided not to take it.

I saw an ad in the paper for Sound Pain Solutions. Within a couple of weeks I noticed 60-65% improvement in my numbness, now I’m over 80% better. My balance has also improved. I’ve been able to do squats on a bosu ball! Most importantly I’m able to help care for my handicapped wife. The staff at Sound Pain Solutions is very helpful and professional. The office is well run; I’ve had a great experience.

“This place is amazing! It has absolutely changed my life!”

I had what I called “back attacks” twice a year that would send me to the hospital and they sent me home with pain killers. Finally I was diagnosed with spondylolisthesis, herniated discs and stenosis. It was four months before I could go back to an eight hour work day. I’ve tried other treatments including physical therapy. I did all the exercises that were prescribed yet I still was in pain. I also tried other chiropractors. Every day my back was on fire, I learned to cope with the pain which made me cranky and depressed. Because of the constant pressure from stenosis by the end of the day I was completely beat down by the pain. I recently got in a car accident that exacerbated my pain.

I came to Sound Pain Solutions and I started to feel relief after my very first decompression treatment. I don’t think about my pain all the time now. My posture has improved. I can do laundry all day and not be wiped out. Before I would do one load and then I was down for the rest of the day. I’m looking forward to riding my bike again this spring. The doctors take the time to figure out where the issues are each day; they don’t just provide the same treatment for everyone. This place is amazing! It has absolutely changed my life! If I could convince just one person to come in and get relief it would be worth it!